Sonya Yoncheva’s first book: Fifteen Mirrors

Sonya Yoncheva 15 Mirrors
Sonya Yoncheva’s first book: Fifteen Mirrors
April 3, 2023

Sonya Yoncheva, Winner of the First and CulturArte Prizes in Operalia 2010, is releasing her first book “Fifteen Mirrors”

“The book you hold in your hands is the confessions and meditations of a contemporary woman who has the privilege to live under the skin of many other, extraordinary women, having existed in time or in the metaphoric illusions of some author. I have chosen for you fifteen of these characters as a symbol of my first fifteen years on stage. Amongst them, you will recognize a few that I haven’t had the chance to sing yet, but who inhabit my dreams and plans for the future.”

Available at

Sonya Yoncheva’s first book: Fifteen Mirrors
April 3, 2023

Sonya Yoncheva, Winner of the First and CulturArte Prizes in Operalia 2010, is releasing her first book “Fifteen Mirrors”

“The book you hold in your hands is the confessions and meditations of a contemporary woman who has the privilege to live under the skin of many other, extraordinary women, having existed in time or in the metaphoric illusions of some author. I have chosen for you fifteen of these characters as a symbol of my first fifteen years on stage. Amongst them, you will recognize a few that I haven’t had the chance to sing yet, but who inhabit my dreams and plans for the future.”

Available at