Nicholas Brownlee in Der Freischütz at the Bayerische Staatsoper

Nicholas Brownlee Der Freischütz Bayerische Staatsoper
Nicholas Brownlee in Der Freischütz at the Bayerische Staatsoper
April 19, 2023

Nicholas BrownleeWinner of the Zarzuela Prize in Operalia 2016, performs the roles of Kaspar and Samiel in Der Freischütz at the Bayerische Staatsoper

Photo: Wilfried Hösl | BSO
Nicholas Brownlee Der Freischütz Bayerische Staatsoper
Nicholas Brownlee in Der Freischütz at the Bayerische Staatsoper
April 19, 2023

Nicholas BrownleeWinner of the Zarzuela Prize in Operalia 2016, performs the roles of Kaspar and Samiel in Der Freischütz at the Bayerische Staatsoper

Photo: Wilfried Hösl | BSO