Lise Davidsen on the cover of Scherzo Magazine

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Lise Davidsen on the cover of Scherzo Magazine
May 26, 2021

Lise Davidsen, Winner of the First, Birgit Nilsson and Audience Prizes in Operalia 2013, is featured on the cover of Scherzo Magazine‘s May edition

“Lise Davidsen is news because she has just released a record on Decca with music by Beethoven, Cherubini, Mascagni, Strauss, Verdi and Wagner. “There is definitely life outside of Wagner,” she says in this interview…”

Read the full interview and article here

Lise Davidsen Scherzo Magazine Cover
Lise Davidsen on the cover of Scherzo Magazine
May 26, 2021

Lise Davidsen, Winner of the First, Birgit Nilsson and Audience Prizes in Operalia 2013, is featured on the cover of Scherzo Magazine‘s May edition

“Lise Davidsen is news because she has just released a record on Decca with music by Beethoven, Cherubini, Mascagni, Strauss, Verdi and Wagner. “There is definitely life outside of Wagner,” she says in this interview…”

Read the full interview and article here