Ludovic Tézier on the cover of Oper! Magazin

Ludovic Tezier Oper Magazin 2021
Ludovic Tézier on the cover of Oper! Magazin
November 7, 2021

Ludovic Tézier, Winner of the Second Prize in Operalia 1998, is featured on the cover of Oper! Magazin‘s November edition:

Ludovic Tézier has evolved into the Verdi baritone of his generation. We talked to him about career planning, role selection and the ability to work in a team

Ludovic Tezier Oper Magazin 2021
Ludovic Tézier on the cover of Oper! Magazin
November 7, 2021

Ludovic Tézier, Winner of the Second Prize in Operalia 1998, is featured on the cover of Oper! Magazin‘s November edition:

Ludovic Tézier has evolved into the Verdi baritone of his generation. We talked to him about career planning, role selection and the ability to work in a team